Название: MINEATOR 2.0.2 Українська мова скачать бесплатно
Описание: Повна Українська локалізація програми MINE IMATOR 2.0.2 My native language is Ukrainian, so I created a translation into Ukrainian. The translation was done at the highest possible level - on 19.11.2023,I added a description of functions and explanations. I will be glad if the author of the program will add Ukrainian localization in the next update of the program. Відео як все встановити - Video of how to install everythinghttps://youtu.be/1SfuQ0AKxog#localization #mineimatorUA#minecraft #changelanguage #translation #ukrainelocalization #mineimator #minecraftanimation
Файл добавлен: 22 ноя 2023